While officials consider bids for construction of the new Flin Flon ER, plans are in place for accommodating patients and staff through the construction process.
Members of the public heard about these plans at a Northern Health Region (NHR) open house recently held at Flin Flon City Hall council chambers.
Twyla Storey, communications coordinator for the NHR, said the ER planning team is hoping construction will begin within the next two to three months, though they cannot yet provide solid start dates as a contractor has not yet been chosen.
While the current ER will stay intact during the construction of the new one, the front of the hospital, and the current parking lot, will be closed off for the estimated two years of the construction period.
During that period, patients and staff will enter the building via a back entrance that can be accessed from the Whitney Forum parking lot.
Storey said the NHR is working with the city to develop a parking system that will meet the needs of staff and the public, with a back lane allotted for 24-hour hospital use.
Once a tender is chosen and the contractor picks a start date, the contractor will start working in the back of the building to prepare the area around the temporary access door, Storey said.
She noted that the back lane will need to be widened, sufficient lighting added and a fence removed to make it more open.
Storey said the contractor would also build a sidewalk from the hospital’s new designated parking area leading up to the back door.
Some parking spaces will be designated for specific users, she said.
“There is going to be a section for the lab and clinic, designated for that use from 7:30 am to 5 pm…there are also some spots that we have for wheelchair access or handicapped spots, new moms and moms-to-be”
There will also be a ramp for wheelchair access, and a porter will be on site around the clock to help visitors arriving to the hospital’s back entrance, Storey said.
She said the ER redevelopment team, led by vice-president of planning Joy Tetlock, has consulted with a patient user group as part of their planning process.
“We are keeping in mind patient safety the whole time,” said Storey.
Updates to access plans will be published on the NHR website, including a current video that shows the redevelopment plan, at www.northernhealthregion.ca.
The Flin Flon ER redevelopment project carries an estimated $22 million price tag. The Manitoba government requires the community contribute 10 per cent of the estimated project cost, $2.2 million. The Northern Health Foundation has spearheaded fundraising for the project.
Twyla Storey, communications coordinator for the Northern Health Region, says the amount yet to be raised is about $536,600. She said fundraising will continue once construction begins, and the full amount must be raised before the project is completed.