The Reminder is making its archives back to 2003 available on our website. Please note that, due to technical limitations, archive articles are presented without the usual formatting.
Dear Editor, I am extremely disappointed at the decision the Creighton School Board made to include a high school program. I attended the parent and taxpayers' meetings only to find out that it was a waste of my time. I truly believed that the voice of the people was going to be heard. At least 80% of those who attended were not in favour of a high school program being implemented September 2004. When Mr. Brown stated on Wednesday night that the parents were 60 - 40% against the feasibility, the room exploded in groans! More like 80 - 20%! On October 8 Mr. Brown sent a letter to the parents, guardians and caregivers. He stated, "The Board would only consider such a decision after BROAD consultation." It feels as though we were broad-sided instead. In reference to Mr. Brown's comment in The Reminder December 17 issue about a "silent majority" of Creighton School Division ratepayers who support the high school, but felt too intimidated to publicly voice their opinions... I say hog-wash!!! The minority who are in favour did state their opinion. Perhaps they were so few the voice seemed silent. Why didn't the Creighton School Board hand out a survey at their two meetings, where parents and taxpayers could vote For or Against. They would have been able to tally up the decision. Instead they read it how they wanted to see it. See 'Families' P.# Con't from P.# I am also the woman who asked the board if they took into consideration all the students they would lose in the fall when families like ours moved to Flin Flon. Our oldest child is very happy attending Hapnot Collegiate and we plan on sending the next four children as well. I know of numerous families who feel the same. Mr. Austin Gerein will have to dance fast to find students to fill the classrooms. The numbers in the 'Feasibility Study' do not add up now! For example, in 2003 there are 25 students in Grade 8 (actually there are only 22). By 2007, they claim 32 students will be graduating. How is this possible? Someone asked the board at the parent meeting if they took into consideration that their decision would affect the education (programs and staffing) at the existing two high schools. Their answer was appalling!!! They said they were only interested if it was feasible for Creighton. Hard to believe that a study that took a year to compile didn't consider the ramifications to the Flin Flon high schools. Too bad for the other 300 plus students who will have to suffer because they weren't considered. I feel the decision was made before the first meeting was even held. Just a smoke screen to make us feel as though someone was listening. I do not believe our kids' best interests were at stake. Signed, Movin' to the Flon