The Reminder is making its archives back to 2003 available on our website. Please note that, due to technical limitations, archive articles are presented without the usual formatting.
Editor: I feel I must comment on the total subversion of democracy demonstrated by this august body on the subject of expanding Creighton school to include the high school grades. This issue, obviously the only one of real note that should have been a factor in the recent school board elections, was conveniently suppressed until too late to become a topic of debate. Effectively anyone with an opinion, pro or con, was disenfranchised Ð nobody knew where the candidates stood on this hidden, but central issue! No doubt the board had a legal mandate to proceed in this arbitrary fashion, but morally to vote and decide on an issue of such importance concealed from the electorate is disgusting and beyond undemocratic to downright anti-democratic. This issue should have been deferred until after the next school board elections, when the taxpayers could have made an informed decision as to the composition of their board Ð or should that be deemed too slow for the forces of nationalistic parochialism, at least should have gone to referendum. Finally, on a personal note, thank you for ruining my children's high school education! Sincerely, Peter Gardner Denare Beach