The Reminder is making its archives back to 2003 available on our website. Please note that, due to technical limitations, archive articles are presented without the usual formatting.
Dear Editor: I read the article regarding the same-sex marriages. This letter is not about my opinion of same-sex marriages but rather of the opinion on the definition of family. One defined marriage as being the union of one man and one womanÉ a primary building block of the family. Our definition of family has changed over the last few decades and can no longer be defined as a mother and father and children. The dictionary defines family as a group of closely related people. We have so many types of families. We have single parent families, second generation families, same generation families, childless families, step families and same sex families. To define families as a man and women and children is neither fair nor respectful to the people who care for, nurture and love one another on a day-to-day basis. Another person did not know how he was going to explain same-sex marriages to his children. Years ago how did we explain to our children about the mom living alone with her three kids or the grandma and grandpa raising their two grandchildren? We did it with the same respect and dignity then, as we should today. Ð Katie Kawerski.