1. Why are you running for council? What are your qualifications and what experience do you have with public office?
I was on council from 2014-16. I want to put my name back in for mayor in 2022 and feel that this is a great starting point for people of Flin Flon to make that decision possible. My background is in policing, health, education, mining and all things associated. I am currently the crew leader for this area for the 2021 Census.
2. What are your main priorities as a candidate?
Population stabilization and growth, infrastructure, health, business development.
3. What are your policies on local finances and taxation?
The Premier recently stated he was removing the education tax from property tax. Once done will reduce homeowner taxes significantly. Homeowner taxes are based on a provincial formula and I know that the City has been trying for many years to have this changed and I support moving to a base tax system that everyone one pays.
4. What do you believe should be the City’s priorities on infrastructure?
An engineering footprint needs to be created and divided into sections to establish short- and long-term plans for what we need to run the City, day-to-day and into the future. The City needs to communicate with the taxpayer what it needs to maintain and update its current infrastructure. You cannot build a new pool till you know the ground and other systems can support it.
5. Hudbay is currently planning to shut down most of its operations within Flin Flon within the next two years. As a candidate, how does this affect your platform and what plans do you have regarding the Hudbay closure?
I am assuming that the mayor and council have been discussing what remains for Flin Flon and the Hudbay relationship. I want to know the conversation had on the grants-in-lieu, what action plans the City has implemented or will be implementing. I want to be a part of the transition and one of the reasons I have put my name forward.
6. The City is currently planning several capital spending projects in the coming years, including a possible replacement for the Flin Flon Aqua Centre. What stance do you hold on these projects?
I am not privy to the projects that are being planned, only rumors, so I would not comment until elected and briefed on what has been put on the books for capital projects. I am not opposed to raising money for recreation projects such as a pool, however I want to know first the City has the means and the infrastructure to build and maintain it.
7. What is your plan for Flin Flon’s future?
I moved here in 1986. My election platform is “My own backyard”. I have everything I need right here in my own backyard and I want Flin Flon to be opened to Canada as a destination to live, to work, to grow a business, to play and to retire. I want to stand up to the civic leaders that are desecrating our health and education systems.
8. How do you plan on working with nearby communities and councils?
My entire working career has been built on working with community partners and I remain committed to work with other councils and leaders to build a strong community and north. The north and Flin Flon are facing changes in their demographics and although some seem daunting, I feel strongly that working together anything can be the best we have ever been. Heritage is made with every day that passes.
9. What are your thoughts on your opponents?
They are front line in their respective careers and I know they share the same sentiments about Flin Flon and any one of them, if voted in, would have the best intentions of building a strong city.
10. How do you plan to promote Flin Flon for business owners, tourists, or other entities outside the community?
This past winter I remained home and discovered “My own backyard”. This area is so amazing. I already do promote Flin Flon and my adventures, and I can see that we can do more to build on the tourism, which can promote business opportunities and growth for the Flin Flon and area. Young adults are buying up local lodges and we need to support them.
11. What matters involving Flin Flon do you wish to bring to the provincial or federal government?
Health and education are the two areas we need to be better supported by the province. We need both their involvement in job growth. We need funding to support roads, recreation and housing.
12. In 30 words or less - what is your elevator pitch for undecided voters?
I see the potential, feel the potential and we need to grow the opportunities that are right here in front of us.
13. What questions do you wish we would have asked?
What are your thoughts on how the pandemic has been handled in and for the people of Flin Flon?
What is your thought on Bill 64, which the province has just announced with respect to our school system in Flin Flon?
What do you think could be done differently for health care in Flin Flon?
What do you think could be done to clean up the derelict buildings and properties within the City of Flin Flon?
Do you feel we need three marihuana dispensaries in Flin Flon?
(editor’s note: the candidate’s answer exceeded word limits and has been cut off)