Ruth Betts Community School will be staying in remote learning for a little bit longer after a person with COVID-19 was found to have been at the school during a possible infectious period.
A recent COVID-19 case was announced at the school June 2, saying that someone in the school's Buffalo cohort had tested positive for COVID-19 and may have been infectious and in the cohort May 28. All close contacts have been notified and the FFSD said in a form letter than they would continue working with public health.
As of June 3, Manitoba health officials have confirmed 10 cases of COVID-19 at FFSD schools - three at Hapnot Collegiate, six at Ecole McIsaac School and one at Ruth Betts. Each school has one confirmed case of a COVID-19 variant of concern.
Students will not return to the school until June 14 at the earliest.
"After consultation with Manitoba Education and Public Health, Ruth Betts Community School will be required to extend their period of remote learning up to and including June 11," reads a June 3 letter from FFSD superintendent Tammy Ballantyne.
"Students can continue on their current work packages. Grades 1-8 teachers will contact families about online teaching time. There will be no need to drop anything off or pick anything up. Students can bring their work back when school resumes."
Ruth Betts, along with the other three FFSD facilities, went to remote learning for almost all students May 25, with the exception of children of some designated critical service workers and students with exceptional education needs.
The other FFSD facilities are currently slated to return to in-class learning June 9, as of June 3.