The future awaits Creighton Community School’s Class of 2017. Twenty-six students graced the stage at the school’s graduation ceremony, held Friday, June 16.
Decked out in caps and gowns in front of a packed gymnasium, the graduates listened to speeches from past teachers and local dignitaries.
Scholarships and bursaries
Hudbay Scholarship $2,000 a year for four years: Aliece Angell
Fred and Perla Shwaga Scholarship $2,000 each: Evan Kryschuk, Kaylee Banting
Raymond Daneliuk Memorial Trades Bursary, $1,000: Regan Schneider
Town of Creighton Bursary, $1,000: Mady Simon
Creighton School Division Scholarships, Academic, $1,000 each: Aliece Angell, Kaylee Banting
Creighton Community School Scholarships
Athletic Bursary $1,000: Hannah Olivier
Aboriginal Bursary $1,000: Kaylee Banting
Bev McCrimmon Citizenship Bursary $1,000: Kayla Slater
Arts Bursary $1,000: Kaylee Banting
Trades & Technology Bursary $1,000: Timothy Gunville
North of 53 Consumers Co-operative, $750: Hannah Olivier
United Steel Workers Local #7106 Bob Imrie Memorial Scholarship $750: Mady Simon
Creighton Furniture Bursary $750: Charity Fleury
International Association of Mechanics and Aerospace Workers $500: Evan Kryschuk
Flin Flon #57 North Star Rebekah Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows $500: Marieka Angell
Flin Flon Health Auxiliary $500: Kayla Slater
CADAC Centre Bursary $500: Kayla Slater
Royal Canadian Legion Flin Flon Branch Scholarship $500: Evan Kryschuk
Creighton Volunteer Fire Department Bursary $500 each: Kayla Slater, Kenzie Simon, Mady Simon
King George VI Rotary Club Bursary $450: Aliece Angell
Creighton Community School Staff Bursary $400: Aliece Angell
Friendship Centre Art Wallenberg Memorial Bursary $350: Charity Fleury
Flin Flon Motorcycle Association Bursary $350: Matt Clarke
Northern Village of Dernare Beach $300 each: Jordan Schanowski, Aliece Angell
Lieutentant Frank S. Gira Bursary $300: Kaylee Banting
Tri Service Bursary, Hole in One $300 each: Aliece Angell, Amilee Lamb
Rotary Club Scholarship Harry Yee $250: Amilee Lamb
Creighton Community School Top Attender $200 each: Jared Jebsen, Marieka Angell
Denare Beach Community Trust $125 each: Aliece Angell, Jordan Schanowski