The Reminder is making its archives back to 2003 available on our website. Please note that, due to technical limitations, archive articles are presented without the usual formatting.
If you love craft shows Flin Flon and Creighton were the places to be this past weekend. The first one opened at 10 a.m. at the Creighton Community Hall and was the ninth annual Northern Country Craft Show. The door prize raffle and the penny parade proceeds went towards the palliative/ chemotherapy departments for equipment and supplies. This show originated with five nurses and crafter Jerri Holmes and has really mushroomed into such as huge event that the location had to be changed to the bigger hall. In the past, proceeds from this show have provided items such as an entertainment centre, ghetto blaster, magazine subscriptions for males and females who are waiting for their chemo treatments, fancy bedding both for males and females in palliative care, as well as other small items. This year the proceeds will go towards two commodes for the Palliative Care Unit. There were over 20 booths with all kinds of exciting crafts, knitting, stained glass items and quilting items for sale. The second craft show was the 23rd annual Flin Flon Arts Council craft show held at the R. H. Channing auditorium, that opened at 11 a.m. on Saturday. This show had about 75 booths, with some people who wanted booths having to be turned away, according to Arts Council director Paulette Berthelot. There were also about 30 out of town exhibitors! Judging from the crowds, both these shows were very popular. There was a wide variety of articles to buy and help people get a early start on their Christmas shopping. There was also food, tea and coffee available at both shows.