Have you been looking for more detailed information on COVID-19 cases in Saskatchewan? The province's new mapping systems may have what you want.
Saskatchewan health officials brought in two separate new maps, splitting the province up further from the six large districts - far north, north, central, south, Saskatoon and Regina regions - into 13 districts and 32 sub-zones.
The new main Saskatchewan map, the 13 district map, splits up several of the previous regions.
The far north area, which contains Flin Flon, Creighton, Denare Beach, Pelican Narrows, Sandy Bay and Deschambault Lake, was also split into three regions. In the far north east, the region stretches from Montreal Lake and La Ronge to the Manitoba border.
The far north central area consists of the very northern tip of the province, where no reported cases have been found. Fond du Lac, Stony Rapids and Uranium City are included in the far north central area. The far north west area is where almost all COVID-19 cases found in the far north area have been reported. La Loche, Beauval, Meadow Lake and other communities are located within this region, with many communities having reported at least one case.
Within the more precise 32 sub-zone map, most regions are split up into at least two small sections. In the far north, the far north east district is split in two, with Flin Flon and surrounding communities in the "Far North East 2" sub-zone. Within the "Far North East 2" zone, no known cases have been reported during the pandemic.
Within the far north east district, six cases of COVID-19 have been reported, with none reported near Flin Flon. Reports of cases were made in the early days of the outbreak in some communities in the region, including Southend.
The north region is split into north west, north central and north east. The north west region is centred around the Battlefords, while the north central region consists of the area around Prince Albert. Communities like Melfort and Nipawin are part of the north east region. The south region was also split in east, west and central regions.