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Mark your calendar: Sunday is Flinty’s birthday

He’s big. He’s bold. He’s Manitoba’s most popular roadside attraction. And he’s turning 53.
A vintage photo of Flinty at his former perch along Highway 10A.

He’s big. He’s bold. He’s Manitoba’s most popular roadside attraction. And he’s turning 53.

This Sunday, August 16, everyone’s invited to the biggest birthday party in town as residents celebrate Josiah Flintabbatey Flonatin with a fête befitting a man of his (7.5-metre) stature.

The afternoon party will take place on the grounds of the Flin Flon Station Museum. It will include food and refreshments, live music by the Flin Flon Community Band, and games and activities.

“It’s a real community event,” says Lois (Bunny) Burke, coordinator of the party and treasurer of the Flin Flon and District Chamber of Commerce.

The chamber co-hosts the party along with the museum, Hudbay and the Flinty Committee, with support from local businesses and volunteers.

The idea for Flinty’s birthday party came about several years ago, when community leaders were looking for a fun summer event to bring people together.

“There wasn’t a whole lot happening around here in August,” Burke recalls, “and we said, ‘We need to promote Flinty more than we do.”

A birthday celebration for the bespectacled mascot was a natural solution to both problems. 

Flinty’s birthday date was selected to coincide with the anniversary of the incorporation of Flin Flon, which took place on August 15, 1933.

Today, Flinty’s birthday is celebrated each summer on the Sunday closest to August 15, and his age is determined by the age of the Flinty statue at the entrance to the community: 53 years old this year. 

Of course, no birthday party is complete without some fun activities for kids (and kids at heart), and this party promises to deliver.

At Flinty’s party you’ll find a geocache station inside a tipi, with handheld GPS devices available for those wanting to try their hand at this pastime.

Another tipi will be set up as a teddy bear clinic, where kids can bring their injured stuffed animals to a real doctor for repair.

Other highlights include a fish pond, face painting, nail painting and a series of dinosaur-themed games and races. The museum will also be open to visitors to explore, free of charge, all afternoon.

While Flinty will undoubtedly be the star of Sunday’s event, some other local celebrities will also be in attendance. Smokey the Bear will suit up for the occasion – as will a surprise Star Wars character.

Each year the celebration includes an addition to the museum’s Wall of Honour to recognize a past or present resident who has gone above and beyond in service to the community.

This year’s honouree will be announced during the party and his or her photograph will be added to the Wall of Honour.

Flinty’s Birthday Party will be held on Sunday, August 16 from 1 to 4 pm on the grounds of the Flin Flon Station Museum. It will be free to attend

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