The Reminder is making its archives back to 2003 available on our website. Please note that, due to technical limitations, archive articles are presented without the usual formatting.
Radio listeners across Manitoba yesterday discovered things they probably didn't know about the oddly-named mining town near the top of their maps. CBC Radio One broadcast its morning show, Information Radio, live from the Flin Flon Indian-Metis Friendship Centre. Joining host Terry MacLeod was Mayor Dennis Ballard, who spoke of the uniqueness of living in a border community. Local historian Gerry Clark also got behind the microphone with MacLeod, sharing his vast knowledge of the Flin Flon area's past. Since no broadcast about Flin Flon would be complete without hockey talk, Bomber alumnus Fred Bowman and Bomber enthusiast Brent Lethbridge were on hand to talk about the community's passion for the sport. Members of the musical community were also present, including Mark and Crystal Kolt, who shared their experiences with their popular musical, Bombertown. CBC also invited Cindy Fahie and Susan Lethbridge, both of the Hanson Sisters band, to perform. Yesterday's show was part of CBC's North of 53 Tour this week, which will also include broadcasts from Thompson and Leaf Rapids. Sook-Yin Lee and the crew from Definitely Not The Opera program will dedicate this Saturday's show to life in Flin Flon, Thompson, Leaf Rapids and the roads that connect them. The show is scheduled to air from 1-5 p.m. MacLeod and Lee will write about their northern experience on CBC's Web site,