The future of Cranberry Portage Arena looks bright.
The recreational centre is in need of lighting upgrades planned for later this year. Currently, the arena is lit by equipment installed when the building was constructed about 25 years ago.
“The hydro costs for the lights are very high,” said Debbie McLauchlan, arena committee secretary.
The plan is to install LED lights, which will be much more efficient than the mercury vapour system currently in place.
While the eventual savings are appealing, the cost of making the switch comes with a hefty price tag. McLauchlan said the materials alone will cost about $12,000.
Through joint efforts between Frontier School Division, Manitoba Hydro, a fundraising committee and dedicated volunteers, the project is moving forward.
The Flin Flon Lions Club recently made a donation of $8,400, giving the project a big boost.
Materials for the work have been ordered and McLauchlan said work will begin when the weather allows for the natural ice surface to be installed in the rink.
The uneven sand surface of the rink is not suitable for the scaffolding required to install the new light system.
“When the weather gets colder and we can put in the ice surface, they’ll be able to work off of that,” said McLauchlan.
Weather permitting, she is hopeful work will begin in late December in time for the arena to open in the new year.
Cranberry Portage Arena is an important part of community recreation throughout the winter months, with activities held seven days a week.
“Once the doors are open there is something happening here every day,” said McLauchlan.
A busy public skating schedule allows everyone in the community a chance to lace up their skates and get some exercise.
Frontier Collegiate and Cranberry Portage Elementary School both access the building for physical education classes and additional recreation programs.
The high school hockey team plays out of the building, as does an oldtimers’ team.
“We also have a lot of private rentals for people wanting to put on a birthday party or for a family skating event,” said McLauchlan.
“The rink is a big part of our community.”