The Reminder is making its archives back to 2003 available on our website. Please note that, due to technical limitations, archive articles are presented without the usual formatting.
Letters to Santa from the grade 2 students in Ruth Betts School. Dear Santa, My name is Shelley. I am 7 years old. I am not perfect but I am still good some times. How is Mrs. Claus, the reindeer and the elves? Please bring Girl Crush and a chalkboard and some chalk. My sister would like Barbie Cruise Ship. Santa, I will leave a snack for you. Merry Christmas! Love, Shelly B. Dear Santa, My name is Kennedy. I am 7 years old. I have been good. I will be at my cabin for chistmas. My little brother wants a truck. How are Mrs. clus and the elves? I like the nice presents you gave me and I liked the desk that you gave me last year. Maybe I will leave a snack for you. Dear Santa, My name is Matthew. I am 8 years old. I was good this year. How is Mrs. claus, is she busy? How are the elves? How are the reindeer? Are they flying yet? I want a X-box and a game 2X-box. My sister wants 3X-box games. ps I will leave a snack for you and the reindeer. Have a good Merry Christmas Dear Santa, My name is Louis. I am a good boy. I might be in Calgary for christmas. How is Mrs. claus? Santa, I want a play station game, and I want a toy skidoo and also I want a movie. My sisiter - I bet she would want a play station game too. Santa, I might leave a snack. Merry Christmas. Dear Santa, My name is Kelsey. I'm seven years old. I'm going to be at my home. I was good all year. How is Mrs. Claus? I wont a Shampoochie, a go-go and a dog like Keisha. I will leave you cookies and milk. Merry Christmas! love Kelsey M. D Santa, My name is Evon. I am 7 years old. I was a little good. I am going to leave a snack for you and your reindeer. Merry Christmas, Santa! How many reindeer do you really have? My brothers would like to have any thing. I want any thing you can bring. I am going to be at home. Love, Evon P. Dear Santa, My name is Shauhese Erikson. I'll be at home for christmas. I'll be good. How are the reindeer? Is Rudolpf still sad? How are Mrs. Claus and the elves doing? I want a leap pad and a winter time wonder land Brat, the one whose name is Chloe. My brother is five. He wants trucks. His name is Hunter. My sisters, Cassie and Rachel are three. Cassie wants barbies and Rachel wants shoes. I'm givinging you cokies and milk. Merry Christmas! Love, Shaunie E Dear Santa, My name is Luke and I really want ask-idoo a real remote control Chrismas and that is all for chismas home Ive geen good my little brother was a little good and little bad I will you for you and your reindeer. Merry Christmas! Love, Luke B Dear Santa My name is Alex. I am 7 years old. I was good. I don't know if can you bring me one Egyptian God card and play station please and thank-you I will leave you a snack. Love, Alex B Dear Santa, My name is Jade I am 7 years old. I have been good. How are the reindeer? Could you please bring me a teddy bear, a stuffed cat and a stuffed bunny too. How is Mrs. Claus doing and how are the elves doing? Are they doing good? How are you? Are the elves busy? I will leave you milk and cookies. Love, Jade H Dear Santa, My name is Kelsey. I have been a good girl. Please Santa could you bring me a barbie dall and please could you bring me a barbie house. That's all I want for Christmas. I have a sister and I was hoping you woud get her a toboggan for Christmas. That is what she wants. Please and thank-you Santa. Have a Merry Christmas. Love, Kelsey F. Dear Santa Claus! My name is Julie Murray I am 7 years old. I tried to be good. Ask about Mrs. Claus, elves and reindeer. I would like another Brat doll. My Sister would like a Brat too. My Brother would like an gameboy Advance.s.p. Love, Julie M Dear Santa My name is Dillon. I was a good boy and I will be at home for Christmas. How are Mrs claus and the elves doing? I hope Rudolph and the other reindeer are doing fine can I please have 3 things a Baby-blade a truck and a spy kit. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I am sure that they would want somthing to play with. I think my brother likes yu-Gi-ho card. I will give you a snack. Have a grate Christmas! Love, Dillon B. Dear Santa, My name is Bryanne, My age is 8. I was a good girl this year. How are the reindeer? I want Barbie charm girl for Christmas. My sister wants some things that have wolves on them. Merry Christmas Santa. p.s. I am leaving you a snack Love, Bryanne R Dear Santa, My name is Angela Zagrodney. I am going to be at home. I am 7 years old. How are the reindeer, the elves and Mrs. Claus? I was a good girl all the time. My mom would like a new silver ware set my dad would like a new gun and my big brother would like anew gun to. Merry Christmas, Santa. Love, Angela Z Dear Santa, My name is Meadow. I am 7 years old I've been good. I might be in Nipawin or at home. How is Mis. claus? For Christmas I would like a GT, fake nails and a Brat doll. My brother would like a dragor shirt. For a snack I will give you cookies and milk. Love, Meadow L. Dear Stata, My name is Martina. I am 8 years old. I have been good most of the time. How is Mrs. Claus? Can I please, have Toy Baby, a piano and harmonica? My sister would like some gold fish. I will you Leave you some candy canes. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I Love Stata, Love, Martina E. Dear Santa, My name is Alexander Clarke. I am 8 years old. I'm being good. How are Mrs. Claus and the elves. Santa I wont a real Ski-doo, Tv, army ski-door. My 6 year old brother wonts a real Ski-doo. I will leave you cookies and carrots for the reindeer. Marry Chrirstmas. Love Alexander C. Dear santa, My name is Naomie I am seven years old. I was good Where you'll you be Haeth beech How is Mis claus the elves and reindeer I'll ask for 3 things. a Deva Star gum and Whoppers, pleaes My sister wants to have hugge Gry hippo and my brother wants cars and gum. My Mom wants a new lamp and woppers My Dad wants new clothes and a jacket. Merry Christmas? Love Naomie R