The Reminder is making its archives back to 2003 available on our website. Please note that, due to technical limitations, archive articles are presented without the usual formatting.
The City of Flin Flon has been asked to follow Winnipeg's lead and ban smoking in public places. In a letter reviewed at Tuesday's Council meeting, a local resident called on the mayor and councillors "to strongly consider bringing into effect a no smoking by-law as soon as possible." "We all have the right to breathe clean air, free from harmful and irritating tobacco smoke," she wrote. "This right supersedes the choice to smoke when the two conflict." Referencing several studies on health implications of second-hand smoke, the author wrote that the by-law is needed "to ensure we all experience the fundamental right of a clean... environment, particularly in the workplace." Councillor Cal Huntley said that this issue has been brought to Council's attention "on numerous occasions." "We've often said that probably, it would be something that maybe should wait until there's a provincial mandate with regards to that," he said "But it certainly seems that communities are (implementing laws) on their own and it may be something we should consider discussing, for sure." See 'Snowmobile' P.# Con't from P.# Councillor Tom Therien said that he is aware of a local committee aiming to have such a by-law passed and added that they will no doubt approach Council in the future. The letter was referred to the Committee of the Whole for further discussion. The topic turned from health concerns to environmental concerns with a letter from a Tweedsmuir Street resident. He wrote that during winter, snowmobilers traveling from the Fairview Heights apartments parking lot onto the designated snowmobile route are going too fast to make the corner. "Therefore, they are hitting my trees and I fear that they will damage them and possibly kill them," he wrote. He asked the City to install a guardrail near his home to protect the trees. If that is not feasible, he asked that he be permitted to lay a Hydro pole on the ground, secured with spikes, to serve as a protective barrier. There was no discussion on his request, and the letter was referred to the Traffic Commission for further review. In another matter, Council passed a motion to extend the length of time municipal cat traps may be loaned to residents from two days to five. "It still maintains the requirement for caring for the animal," noted Councillor Dave Kennedy, who read the motion. Also, Council voted to donate $200 to residents of Louis Creek, B.C., which lost its sawmill operation Ñ the town's main employer Ñ to a forest fire last month. The money will assist the residents in replacing lost homes and belongings destroyed in the blaze, which left about 350 people out of work. "I think Flin Flin is very fortunate that we have not had any major disasters over the years," commented Councillor Bill Hanson, who made the motion. As well, Council awarded the contract for the upcoming renovations to the Flin Flon-Creighton Public Library to John Wheeler, who submitted the lowest bid. The work will include new flooring, a new carpet and a fresh coat of paint, all on the top floor. Councillor Hanson commended Assistant Director of Works and Operations Rick Bacon for putting together "a very comprehensive tender package" for the project. A recap of other matters from the meeting: Council voted to donate $500 to the Flin Flon and District Chamber of Commerce for its upcoming gala. Mayor Dennis Ballard commended the Hapnot Collegiate Class of 1978 Reunion Committee for recently donating $581 to Flinty's Boardwalk. "I would like to thank them on behalf of the citizens of Flin Flon," he said.