Writers will share words and experiences at the inaugural Ore Samples Writers’ Series reading Thursday at the Flin Flon Public Library.
In an informal, relaxed atmosphere, the general public is invited to get up close and personal with established writers.
“Ore Samples aims to bring critically acclaimed professional writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and everything in between north to connect with local readers, local literary, visual and performing artists, and anyone engaged with and invested in the vibrant local arts scene,” explained Brenda Schmidt, who created the event.
A published author herself, Schmidt is planning an event that will give members of the public an opportunity to hear readings by the authors themselves.
“They can expect to hear some really high quality, intense work and will then have the opportunity to ask questions of the authors,” she said.
Whether members of the audience are writers themselves or are simply interested in quality literature, Schmidt expects there will be a great deal of information shared.
“Having the opportunity to ask questions over cake and coffee about how they do their research, where they get their inspiration and how they create their writing will be one of the most important parts of the evening.”
Kicking off the series will be Garry Thomas Morse, a well-known Canadian author of five books of poetry and four fiction titles. Morse’s poem “Discovery Passages,” a piece based on the Kwakwaka’wakw First Nations myths and history, was a finalist for the Governor General’s Award.
In addition to Morse’s guest appearance, the audience will have the opportunity to hear two local authors read their work.
Glenda Walker-Hobbs has published seven books of poetry and is the co-founder and secretary of the Flin Flon Writers Guild.
Kevin Imrie was raised in Creighton and is currently attending the University College of the North in The Pas. He is a long-time musician and has developed a passion for writing poetry and short fiction.
“The fun is pairing a reading that will include visiting authors and local writers to create a cohesive event,” explained Schmidt. “It’s a great way to introduce the community to visiting writers as well as raise the profile of local writers.”
The Ore Samples Writers’ Series is made possible through support by the Canada Council of the Arts through the Writers’ Union of Canada, Flin Flon Public Library, Flin Flon Arts Council, the Victoria Inn and Hudbay.
The series will continue on May 26 with Lorri Neilsen Glenn, an essayist and poet originally from Manitoba who now lives in Halifax.
Novelist and poet Wendy McGrath will visit the community on September 15.
As part of Culture Days on October 1, Gerald Hill a poet and historical writer will make a presentation.
Each event is expected to run for about an hour and is free to attend. The inaugural event begins at 7 pm on Thursday April 28 at the Flin Flon Public Library.