Christmastime’s a comin’, Christmastime’s a comin’! That’s maybe the only event missing in the Flin Flon region this year – a country and western music show (truth be told, I’m not really a fan of that particular style, roots country, yes, but save the twang. Except of course for Hank Williams and Jerry Jeff Walker, but I digress).
C.C. Trubiak did a fantastic weekend of concerts to introduce his new album, McBain but don’t worry too much if you couldn’t get tickets – there will be many opportunities to buy the album over the next few weeks. Ham Sandwich Theatre also did a bang-up job with their production of The Christmas Spirit, and introduced us to some wonderful new talents while ably showcasing some favourites from past productions. Kudos to Mark McDonald, it was a tremendous debut.
There is one last performance of the season, which will take place at Johnny’s Social Club on Dec. 22 at 7:30 pm. The first act is another Raphael Saray radio play extravaganza. You already know how funny the Hungarian Heartthrob can be so get prepared to laugh at his version of It’s a Wonderful Life. There are some movies that should not be made fun of and before this incarnation, I would have said It’s A Wonderful Life is one of them. But it’s gonna be great! Ticket sale venues have not been announced before press time so stay tuned to and hit the “events” button to bring down the details.
The second half of the show on Dec. 22 is a Christmas song and carol sing-off with Johnny’s Antisocial Band and some guest performers including the beautiful Susan Lethbridge. No doubt there will be some chestnuts and we can certainly bellow the new (to me, anyway) gospel piece, From Starry Skies Descending. We heard it at the Flin Flon Community Choir concert and then again at Borealis’ Lessons and Carols service in aid of the Lord’s Bounty Food Bank. I know Gabby Taylor can do it without music because she was sitting with me at the service and I heard!
As we begin the New Year there will be great excitement building. We have the Amisk Tours luxury coach trip to Winnipeg to see Come From Away at the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre, right after the Flin Flon Arts Council presentation of Quartetto Gelato in January. There will be a Loaded Mic night earlier in the month as well as a TIFF film (third Thursday, always).
In February we have Del Barber coming to town for two shows with the Home Routes tour, and the Derina Harvey Band performing in a kitchen-party atmosphere in the R.H. Channing Auditorium. There will likely be a Johnny’s Social Club event in there, too.
In March there will be a dance with the incandescent Janelle Hacault, The Onlies, an Americana duo from Washington State, and maybe a Broadway Night. In April, look forward to Red Tail Ring from Kalamazoo, MI and two weekends of Soul Train hits at Johnny’s Social Club.
Then we have the best event ever! In May 2018 Flin Flon goes to the opera. The Flin Flon Arts Council and the Flin Flon Community Choir will present “Le Grande Opera” with opera’s greatest hits and choruses being sung by who you might expect, and a few surprises too. I tell you this now so that you can get prepared. People, start your engines (and your computers, phones, whatever you use to get music). There is no slowing down in this region!